Monday, April 18, 2005

For Love or Money

It has been a while since my last post but with good reason, i have been busy busy busy. I turned 16 and had an awesome birthday. Also for the last month or two Jordan, Jake, Brock, and I had been working hard to pull the mission trip for my church off and we did a beautiful job.

For love or money is the head line for today and for some reason or another i found it good for the title. We run through life and what is our life long goal? Is it for love or money. I for one love money so it is both. HAHA. I beat the system. It is love of money.

Millionare; if I were to be a millionare i would spend it with crazy nutty out of the ordinary thingy mc-bobbers. Then i would allow them to be used to serve God's glory.

Dream; I have a dream and i shall share it just for fun as this is my first post in some time and i might as well just make it long. Any way if it is long you won't read it and you will miss out on my way cool dream so haha. Im a nutty man and love to invent and hope some day to make a fortune doing so. My dream is to own a massion on some island in the middle of the ocean that is only avaiable to get to by plane or a crazy ship crew. The house would have sun roofs every where and have 15 or more garages. The house itself would be nutty big and the whole island would have its own road system. There also would be a race track that i could have some fun with. I would call upon the makers of ferrari to make me some kick butt go-kats and it would be the bomb.

The cars; Oh i would collect the nicest cars of them all, Old classics along with the new sexy ones. Corvett, Ferrari, Ford, Lambs, oh the cars would line the inside of my garages. I might even get a ricer mobile.

The road system; the roads would be awesome i would have hunderds of miles of roads and little houses where i could go to get away. Fishing would be avaiable and a beautiful private swimming hole.

The house; well that is enough for that issue of For Love or Money i will tell you about the house on the next post. I need to go to bed.

The Assignment: What is your dream, for love or money? Tell me about it in a post.

Have fun with life
Don't be dumb
In Love,