Friday, February 25, 2005

Weddings and Funerals

Life comes fast when your not looking and it seems that i never spend time to look. Life will just speed on by if you don't have time to enjoy it and smell the roses. God says that life is just training for our life in heaven, and that it will be fast, like a blink of a eye.

My brother is now engaged to his girlfriend of 3 years and our family and hers met in Las Vegas just last weekend. Their wedding is not planned until 2006 in spring/summer time. That gives the two of them about 1 year and some months to plan.

My Grandpa who had lived in Thailand all of my life just passed away this last summer and once he passed away it took all of 2 some days to get the funeral together and done. My mom's uncle just passed away on Tuesday of this week, and already, 2 days later my mom is back from Vegas, in California and her uncle's funeral is today the 25 of february.

Funerals have all of the family and most of the friends of the person, and are organized with food and all in a matter of days.

Weddings have all of the family and lots of the friends of the two getting married and yet it takes 1 year or more to plan.

So i decieded that funerals and weddings are the same just one takes a long time to plan and is celebrating life for a couple and funerals take some 2 days and is celebrating or mourning death.

Since the topic today is funerals the ASSIGNMENT is this. How do you want people to remember you when you die and what type of funeral do you want?

I will be an example. When i die i want to be remembered as a man that never held back and lived life at the fullest. Also a guy who was not scare of a challenge and of doing stupid stuff. I hope to have a lot of people at my funeral and for them all to be happy for the life that i did live. I do not want any tears at my funeral, i want it to be a big party. I want it on top of a mountain on a sunny day and my ashes thrown off of a cliff. The beer will flow like a waterfall and everyone will have a good time celebrating my life.

Live your life and have fun. Funerals and Weddings so similar yet so different.

Until Then
Have fun with life
Don't be dumb
In love,


At 12:21 AM, Blogger Brock and Adele said...

I hope that when I die, people will remember me as someone who cared about people more than things; someone who wasn't perfect and knew it, but still did his best; someone who loved perfectly, without conditions or expectations.

I hope that before I die I marry The Girl. I hope that when I die I will have done some meaningful things.

I hope that the beer flows like water after my funeral. (probably not at it though) And that no one gets drunk and is then hurt after doing something stupid.

I thought about trying to get people to party when I die, but I think that might be difficult. I hope everyone knows that they haven't seen that last of me though...

see you on the other side.

peace, brock76

At 4:22 PM, Blogger Brock and Adele said...

That's a nice definition for "the FanBelt." You might consider that as your primary, Harpo.

Although I still like the whole thing about you hitting dumb bloggers with your belt.

peace, brock76


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