Friday, February 25, 2005

Weddings and Funerals

Life comes fast when your not looking and it seems that i never spend time to look. Life will just speed on by if you don't have time to enjoy it and smell the roses. God says that life is just training for our life in heaven, and that it will be fast, like a blink of a eye.

My brother is now engaged to his girlfriend of 3 years and our family and hers met in Las Vegas just last weekend. Their wedding is not planned until 2006 in spring/summer time. That gives the two of them about 1 year and some months to plan.

My Grandpa who had lived in Thailand all of my life just passed away this last summer and once he passed away it took all of 2 some days to get the funeral together and done. My mom's uncle just passed away on Tuesday of this week, and already, 2 days later my mom is back from Vegas, in California and her uncle's funeral is today the 25 of february.

Funerals have all of the family and most of the friends of the person, and are organized with food and all in a matter of days.

Weddings have all of the family and lots of the friends of the two getting married and yet it takes 1 year or more to plan.

So i decieded that funerals and weddings are the same just one takes a long time to plan and is celebrating life for a couple and funerals take some 2 days and is celebrating or mourning death.

Since the topic today is funerals the ASSIGNMENT is this. How do you want people to remember you when you die and what type of funeral do you want?

I will be an example. When i die i want to be remembered as a man that never held back and lived life at the fullest. Also a guy who was not scare of a challenge and of doing stupid stuff. I hope to have a lot of people at my funeral and for them all to be happy for the life that i did live. I do not want any tears at my funeral, i want it to be a big party. I want it on top of a mountain on a sunny day and my ashes thrown off of a cliff. The beer will flow like a waterfall and everyone will have a good time celebrating my life.

Live your life and have fun. Funerals and Weddings so similar yet so different.

Until Then
Have fun with life
Don't be dumb
In love,

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Walking down my crowded school hallway, almost falling over from lack of sleep. That is what i felt as i did that just a few minutes ago as i was walking to my newspaper class. I am now in newspaper and writing in my blog; oh how cool is that.

I have not wrote in my blog for some time now but i am now. So hallways is the topic for my post today and am thinking of what i could talk about concerning that issue. At my school the hallways are very crowded as the school has 600 more kids then recomemded. As i walk down the hall you have to dodge people and is a struggle just to move around in there.

I was thinking about it and you know what, halls are a lot like life. You are walking through life crowded by people and are trying to be noticed. We will stumble and fall in this hall of life and is a workout just to move around. You have to get up every morning and drag your feet through life. Some days are great, some suck.

I just got back from Las Vegas and had a great time. I need to go before class lets out so bye all.

Assignment...tell what hallways mean to you.

The Halls Of Life

Have fun with life
Don't be dumb
In love,

Thursday, February 10, 2005


So i am in a newspaper class this semester for school and i want to write something about blogs and online journals for it. I don't know if the teacher is going to let me write about it yet but i hope. I have been looking around lately online about blogs and stuff and wow you need to be careful with what you say online. There was an airline flight attendant who was fired from her job for her blogging. She was fired for "inappropriate" pictures on her blog while in her uniform. Well that sucks and ok so she has these "inappropriate" pictures on her blog still now and what is that airline smoking? Nothing is shown in the pictures and is just her standing around, posing and looking good for the camera.

I guess you all could have your own opinions about that but for me i know they show worse stuff then that on the movies they play on their flights. Besides she did not say what station she was at or anything and if you were looking at the pictures you can't even tell what airline it is.

Well there was also a google employee that was fired for blogging. I might have to use that one because i dont know if Mt. View would like me to post about "inappropriate" picture blogging.

Well this post is pretty boring but hey whatever, i see that still only 2 people have made comments on my blog. SHAME on you all who are not leaving comments.

Ok SHAME on me, i don't even leave comments on people's blogs haha well i left one so that is more then some of you out there i know. Also i have made it so you can now leave a comment on my page without signing up with blogger. I do understand some of you out there dont want to sign up for something so that is for you all.

Assignment time, don't you all love that i give out homework haha not really just something for you all to think about and maybe leave a comment about *wink, wink.* My assignment for you all out there is to write about life. Ok this one is lame and also very easy...maybe more people will respond to it. Just talk about how life is going for you or how bad life is going. I really dont care actually just talk about something.

Please Please I am still looking for definitions for "The FanBelt." So far TheWho? is winning and i acually really like it. I am going to put that as my definition of the site for now but if a better one comes around i will replace TheWho? one. Sorry man but let the best man win...or women i guess haha.

Have fun with life
Don't be dumb,
In love

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Blogs Blogs Blogs They're Everywhere.

As of about a month ago I had never heard of a blog before only of xanga. I have already shared some of my hate toward that evil evil site so i won't say more. Blogs, i have been seeing them everywhere for example is a site where you can have a free page and do blogs and also more.

So i just get this blog thing and what now i find out about myspace and man it looks cool. You can put movies and cool backgrounds and oh what now everyone seems to have one. A friend sent me his link and from there i went to about 10 other of my friends pages. You can also chat through myspace.

I am still a little weird about having a blog so i dont know if i will try a myspace one just yet. Hmm but if i do i can have two and just copy and paste my posts.

I will always have something for you guys (and ladies) to comment on so my question for all of you is what do you think about myspace? Does it seem cool or is it really dumb? Lets get some opinion here please GOSH!

Ok YELLING time. I know i gave this link to more then 2 people and so far only 2 comments on my last post. I want some comments PEOPLE! So far Thewho? is winning The FanBelt definition contest. I like it man it might just soon be my new definition or wait i never had one so i cant have a new one...hmm.

Well i will end it here as i need to sleep but God Bless you all!

Have fun with life
Don't be dumb,
In love

Saturday, February 05, 2005

My hate toward blogs!

Well hey all and welcome to the fanbelt. Wow i never thought i would live to see the day that I made a blog, but look here i have made one. So you understand my hate for blogs or online diaries i will explain.

It was ever since the first day I learned about this online diary thing that my hate started. I remember it quite clear it was at about 11:35am and i was at the school, in the library. I was seated at a computer looking up a friends website when one of my other friends came and sat next to me. We start talking when i noticed he was writing on some website so i asked what it was. Xanga he said and told me all about it. I think to my self what the heck would you be thinking to post a diary online...isn't that private? I read a little of the page my friend was on and i find myself reading about a girls party life and her sneaking out of her house at night and stuff. It was there and then my hate for web logs started.

Later i come to find out that that friend of my friend got in deep deep stuff(trouble) when her mom stumbled on to the website. For all you out there....DIARIES are your OWN bussiness please dont post them on line.

So now i am sure you are thinking to your self what the heck is this kid doing starting a blog? I recently have had two friends start blogs of their own and have sparked my interest to start one.

I will NOT write what i did in a day or will i write about past stories. This page will simiply be for me to write down odd topics and for people to respond to them.

Life is short this you should know. So what will your choice be when it is all said and done?
Read Matthew 7:13-14.

It is late now...or acually it is early about 12am right now. I need to sleep so i can be well rested in the morning HAHA. Sleep whats that? I will leave now with this one last say.

The FanBelt? This is a question you are now asking yourself and i dont know what the meaning of it should be so this is my question for all who read my posts. From what you have read and your understanding of what this blogspot will be used for please come up with a definition of what FanBelt should mean. I will read through them and pick the best one to be the new meaning of The FanBelt. Have fun all at your assignment.

Have fun with life
Don't be dumb,
In love